Together we make a family

Opening Hours

School is open for Breakfast Club at 8.00 am in the morning.  Children do not have to be booked in, you can just turn up at 8.00am.

School opens at 8.40 am where the children can enter into the playgrounds.  Infant children are to be escorted to the back playgound, where a member of our team will greet them.  Junior children will enter via the main playground gate.

School begins at 8.55 am. 

Lunch time runs from 12.00 - 1.00pm, with the EYFS children going down at a slightly earlier time of 11.50 am.

EYFS finish their school day at 3.05 pm and are collected at the accessible entrance at the front of school.

Year 1/2 and Year 3/4  finish at 3.20 pm and are collected from the main entrance.

Year 5 and 6 finish at 3.20 pm and are collected from the main entrance.


Get in touch

We would love to hear from you!
Orchard Primary School and Nursery
School Lane, Skelmersdale, WN8 8QG
Mrs Rachel Jacobsen | Admin Officer 01695 724 046

Miss Emma Baron | SEND

SEND Email: