Little Pips - Nursery 2024 - 2025
Mrs White
A massive welcome to Little Pips class page!
I am Mrs Fitzsimons, the nursery lead practitioner. Working alongside me is the fantastic Mrs Niblock.
Nursery is the starting place for your child's adventure into school life.
Our class value is CURIOSITY and in Little Pip's we love to explore, be curious and we like to get messy!
A typical day in Nursery:
SCHOOL STARTS AT 8:50am - Registration
Routines are practiced throughout the day.
Phonics - The children begin their day with a fun 20 minute phase 1 phonics session.
Independent Learning / Continuous Provision – Resources are provided for the children to learn independently. The children access continuous provision both indoors and outdoors throughout the day.
Fresh Fruit / Snack – In nursery we offer a range of food from around the world. this encourages the children to try next tastes and textures. This is offered during morning break for 20p / day. Fruit is available at all times of the day. If you prefer a snack from home please do not send in crisps, chocolate, nuts or juice.
Mathematics – Nursery children develop number sense and number patterns.
Topic based carpet session – The children are encouraged to ask questions and make connections to enhance their learning
Continuous Provision – Linked to an area of development.
Story Time - Reading a daily story builds up the children's vocabulary and encourages a love of reading.
How you can support your child at home
We want all our little learners to be as independent as possible. This includes, putting on and fastening their coats, putting on their socks and taking off their cardigans and jumpers as this can be a bit tricky. Encourage your child to do this on their own without adult or sibling help. Who will be first in our famous 'Zippy Club'?
We are super excited to watch our Little Pips grow into curious independent learners...
Little Pips - Nursery: Calendar items
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