Online Safety
At Crow Orchard School we take Online Safety/Esafety very seriously. In a world where computers, mobile phones, apps and social media are a huge part of our children's lives, we want to ensure that we are able to keep them as safe as possible.
Within school we ensure that our internet is filtered and safe. Children cannot access any internet sites that we deem are unsuitable. Along with technical support, the children are taught to take a responsible approach when working online. They understand what to do if they come across something that is inappropriate. This is taught via our comprehensive E-safety lessons which take place at the start of the term. The children are encouraged to follow the SMART rules which are displayed in the classroom.
Our Online Safety Champion is Mrs Denise Heath.
Whilst in school we ensure children follow these rules, however, we hope that they use these rules and advice at home too.
We fully appreciate that controlling and keeping an eye on your child's online activities is very difficult. Below are links to recommended web sites and documents which may help you understand more about the apps your child is using and help keep your child safe whilst working online, using apps and even just using their mobile phone.