Year 4 2024 - 2025
Miss Baron
Hi, welcome to Year 4.
We are Orleans class and I am Miss Baron the class teacher. We also have our SCITT North West trainee teacher working with us until the end of January. He is called Mr Ashton.
Mrs Mason also teaches in our class on a Tuesday afternoon and on a Thursday. Ms Jones also helps in our class on Monday afternoons.
Our class value is CREATIVITY, which is such a great one to have because I have been blown away with how creative all our children are in their writing, art work, music and their thinking!
We are lucky enough to be learning the ukulele this year again with John. This takes place on Friday.
Our PE coach is Dan this year and he is coaching us on a Monday afternoon, so don't forget your PE kit and trainers on this day!
We have quite a bit more work to do in Year 4 and we are practising our handwriting using a programme called Letterjoin (see link below.) We also do our spellings using a programme called Spelling Shed, aswell as reading lots of different texts using our VIPERS for reading.
We use the White Rose Maths and we are working on place value, addition and subtraction and area and perimeter this half term.
You will see from our curriculum map all the different areas that we will be covering this half term.
Your child has a reading book and we encourage them to read their school reading book at least three times per week.
In the summer term, we will be taking the National Timestables check, so it's really important to make sure your child learns their timestables up to the 12 X table because these will be tested. There is a link to Timestables Rockstars at the bottom of this page that your child can access from home. It's really important that they do this.
We have lots to look forward to this year, including our school residential to Crosby Hall in the summer. We can't wait!
A typical day in Year 4 looks a bit like this:
8.55 - Register and morning task
9.05 - VIPERS or Spelling Shed
9.40 - English
10.45 - Break time
11.00 - Maths
12..00 - Lunchtime
1.00 - Foundation subjects
2.30 - Handwriting practice using Letterjoin
2.45 - Class novel reading
3.00 - Assembly or singing time
3.20 - Hometime
Things to remember:
PE kit and trainers - Monday - leave in school all week.
Ukulele - Fridays - take home to practise.
Reading book and reading record - everyday.
Useful links